Monday, September 30, 2013


Lately I've been teaching Rhys some sign language here and there so I can better communicate with him. I've started with a few simple words: More, Eat, Milk, All Done, and Car. So far he's signed back More and All Done for sure. He signs more when he wants more food or when he wants me to do something fun again for him. I'm having a lot of fun signing with him because I really can sense that he wants to communicate with me. These days in the mornings, Rhys does this game where he rolls a ball under the crib and then grabs my hand and pushes it under the crib toward the ball, basically asking me to get it for him. He also will ask to be picked up and then proceed to point to where he would like me to take him...(it is usually outside that he wants me to take him to). It's fun and exciting being able to understand him more, but I can't always do what he asks me to do (like give him a mini twix bar) so he gets frustrated too. But overall we have a great time with it. He understands the word milk as well. When I ask, "Do you want milk?" He stops what he's doing and walks over to me with a BIG smile on his face. Love that kid!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mind Blown...?

Well, it's more like eyes opened I guess. So when I was a kid/teenager, one of the things I did not like was my mom watching me eat. She'd make food for us and then just sit there at the dining table and just watch us eat. I'd get annoyed at her and ask her why she had to do that. Her reply was, "I just want to see you eat." Well I finally figured out why she loved to watch us eat...

Everyday, I think about what I am going to feed Rhys today and if he'll like my food. Many times I put a lot of effort into making something and Rhys wants nothing to do with it and would rather eat fish sticks. So when Rhys actually likes something that I make for him, I can't help but watch him eat his food. It brings me such joy and pleasure when Rhys uses his chubby little fingers to grab the food and bring it to his mouth. But I realized that I was sitting there...watching him eat. I imagine that I would probably watch him eat for years to come just out of habit. But I hope that Rhys doesn't get annoyed at me for watching him enjoy my cooking. I hope he will just continue to put on a great eating show for me and make me feel so happy.