Friday, June 20, 2014

Best Fridays!

The best Fridays are the ones where I'm not working in the evening AND Rhys is in daycare. Today is that such day! Brian also has the day off today as well so that is an added bonus. Unfortunately Brian has scheduled doctor's appointments today and is stuck at the Dr.'s office due to a 45 minute delay. The cleaning lady is here today so I can't leave the house, but I'm happy that our house is getting cleaned while I rest!

I can't believe that the last time I wrote on this blog was when I started working as a nurse! It's been about 6 months now since I've started and I think I'm starting to get the hang of things now. Working nights actually works okay for me surprisingly. I think having Rhys to take care of tires me out enough that I never have any problems falling asleep. Brian and I fell asleep on our lovely new couch last night and didn't wake up until 4 in the morning. That couch I tell's so comfy that it's dangerous.

Stephanie moved out last Sunday and we miss her a lot these days. It still feels like she is just away for the week...but I'm sure in another few weeks it will really hit me that she is gone. But she is visiting next weekend so I am excited! Too bad I have to work the whole weekend. 

I tell ya...I start writing these things and I get about 2-3 paragraphs in and I go..."Hmm...that's it. That's all I have to say about my life." Many times I have started writing on this blog, only to erase the entry because it doesn't sound interesting at all. But you know this rate, I'll never get a blog entry out. So I decided to write about anything. Even if I sound like my brain is all over the place, I'm just gonna write whatever is in my head at the time.

Here goes...
When I went to pick Rhys up from daycare yesterday, I asked his teacher how he liked "water day" this past Wednesday. She told me that he liked the water the most out of all the kids in his class. While the other kids were afraid of the spraying water, Rhys' remarks were of pure joy. He kept saying that it was raining! I knew Rhys would really love water days because he loves playing with water when we are at home.

The only downside to his love of water and playing outside is that he has developed quite the farmer's tan. 

My days these days are ridiculously the same day in and day out. So nothing really new happens that I really feel like I need to write about. What I do notice is that I'm always looking at my watch to see how much time I have free so I can get as much done during the day before I have to pick Rhys up. I have 5 hours before I need to pick him up today and I have two things I need to get done. I need to figure out what we will eat for dinner and cook it, and also get my nails done. I probably should read a little too. Currently I am reading For One More Day by Mitch Albom. I borrowed it from my coworker so I should finish it soon. Pretty quick read
 though...I'm already halfway through and I've only sat down to read it twice.

Ok ok...I will write more another day. Time to get some stuff done.