Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Poached Eggs!!

Made poached eggs for a late breakfast today. Ate it with smoked turkey on a sourdough english muffin.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Second day of Vacation

Today is Tuesday, also my second official day of vacation. I have a long break, but I can't stop feeling like I may end up wasting it all away already. Crazy as it may sound, I have been waking up around 7:30 am for the last two days. I've done a little bit of cleaning up here and there. Well, a lotta bit. We have a new roommate who is to live with us for about half a year until our other friend's room is available. Yesterday I moved most of my stuff and organized our bedroom to act as both sleeping quarters and a study room. I went to Ross and Target to look for storage supplies and came back with two cute baskets and several closet drawers. I also took a whirl at decorating our living room. All I really did was add an end table between our couches...really?...Is that all I did? Hmmmm...seems like I did more. Oh yes, I put my new couch pillows on our couches. Looks nice! Now the big task is filling up our empty walls with some form of decor. I've been looking at a website that lets you print huge versions of your jpegs onto regular letter-sized paper. I printed one and am currently flattening them out. I bought foam board to see if I can paste them on there. We have a HUGE wall in our living room that is quite bare. I've decided on a few of Degas' ballet paintings for our wall. Let's hope this comes out okay.

Today was shopping day. Around noon, I went to the mall to buy christmas gifts for the family. I didn't even realize that I hadn't had anything to eat until 11. I decided that I'd go to Panera at the mall and pick something up. There were a LOT of people at the mall. Very hectic. So I took my Tomato Mozarella Panini with Black Bean soup in a brown paper bag and headed out to my car. I briefly thought about scarfing down my sandwich while I was in my car before I left the mall, but there was already someone who wanted my spot, so I decided to wait. Braving the rough and wet weather, I made it to Joann's in Poway. I turned off my car, brought out my ipod, turned on Julie and Julia and enjoyed a nice 15 minute lunch break in my car. The rain did a nice job of blurring the outside, so it felt like I was in my own little private space.

Later in the afternoon. I tried to do yoga. I put the DVD in. But just thinking about doing all the exercises made me tired even before I started. So I took a nap instead.

Made Chicken and Penne Alfredo with peas and mushrooms for dinner. Fed the hubby and the roomies. They liked it. I may bake tomorrow. But we shall see.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Relaxing finals week

Studying for finals has actually allowed me to rest, oddly enough. Usually finals week is pretty hectic and stressful, but for me, I find it a time to cram while having time to relax. No clinicals to go to, no patients to pick out and spend hours writing up a care map for them, no care plans, papers, projects to work on. I would Love to do nothing but study.

Anyways, my glorious five weeks of free time is not too far away. I've already booked our trip to Tahoe and am very excited to board in some good snow! I alreay have a list of books that I am going to read. I've received several books as gifts, but just never had the time to read. I will finally finish the twilight books and the harry potter books and watch all the movies. I'm gonna be a good wife and cook a lot more for Brian. I love cooking so that will be very relaxing and fun.

I've started on a diet about 2 weeks or so ago. I've lost about 2 pounds I believe. Starving sucks by the way. Well I wouldn't call it starving. For example, Brian and I went to go eat Soon Doo Boo and I only mixed a spoonful of rice into my bowl and passed on the egg. It "looked" like I was eating quite voraciously, but it's just tasty soup and tofu.

Hmmm...blogger just deleted half my post....grrrr....

Monday, December 06, 2010

My life in Pictures

Huge Pizza from the pizza place down the street, Fountain at Pala, Carol sleeping with Taco,
Hair-do by Ashley, Yilei's Birthday cake, Yilei staring into his b-day cake!