Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Second day of Vacation

Today is Tuesday, also my second official day of vacation. I have a long break, but I can't stop feeling like I may end up wasting it all away already. Crazy as it may sound, I have been waking up around 7:30 am for the last two days. I've done a little bit of cleaning up here and there. Well, a lotta bit. We have a new roommate who is to live with us for about half a year until our other friend's room is available. Yesterday I moved most of my stuff and organized our bedroom to act as both sleeping quarters and a study room. I went to Ross and Target to look for storage supplies and came back with two cute baskets and several closet drawers. I also took a whirl at decorating our living room. All I really did was add an end table between our couches...really?...Is that all I did? Hmmmm...seems like I did more. Oh yes, I put my new couch pillows on our couches. Looks nice! Now the big task is filling up our empty walls with some form of decor. I've been looking at a website that lets you print huge versions of your jpegs onto regular letter-sized paper. I printed one and am currently flattening them out. I bought foam board to see if I can paste them on there. We have a HUGE wall in our living room that is quite bare. I've decided on a few of Degas' ballet paintings for our wall. Let's hope this comes out okay.

Today was shopping day. Around noon, I went to the mall to buy christmas gifts for the family. I didn't even realize that I hadn't had anything to eat until 11. I decided that I'd go to Panera at the mall and pick something up. There were a LOT of people at the mall. Very hectic. So I took my Tomato Mozarella Panini with Black Bean soup in a brown paper bag and headed out to my car. I briefly thought about scarfing down my sandwich while I was in my car before I left the mall, but there was already someone who wanted my spot, so I decided to wait. Braving the rough and wet weather, I made it to Joann's in Poway. I turned off my car, brought out my ipod, turned on Julie and Julia and enjoyed a nice 15 minute lunch break in my car. The rain did a nice job of blurring the outside, so it felt like I was in my own little private space.

Later in the afternoon. I tried to do yoga. I put the DVD in. But just thinking about doing all the exercises made me tired even before I started. So I took a nap instead.

Made Chicken and Penne Alfredo with peas and mushrooms for dinner. Fed the hubby and the roomies. They liked it. I may bake tomorrow. But we shall see.

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