Monday, September 03, 2012

Knitting a scarf in September

So I started really getting into cable knitting. I started knitting this scarf on Friday. I've been slowly knitting it little by little and having lots of fun looking at the results as it gets longer and longer. I think I'm about a quarter of the way done. However, unlike other scarves that I've knit in the past, this one really feels like a project. I showed it to my mom and she was impressed with the design that the cabling was making. I imagine that this should make a pretty nice gift once I'm better at knitting in this style.

This past weekend was a whirlwind. Brian and I went to LA to have dinner with my dad for his 60th birthday. We went to a Korean Seafood buffet called Hansong I think. The buffet was OK...but it was pretty fricking expensive. $26 a person! Plus dad always orders his soju so that was a nother $10 bucks on top of that. Anywhoo....we had a good time. Brian and Peter made a suicide pact to try and eat a snail that they were serving up at the buffet. They both had a really hard time swallowing it...bleh!!

After that, Brian and I were off the next day to Huntington Beach to have a belated birthday dinner for Sheila. Ruby and Raf decided to join us as well so it was a nice gathering. We went to a Peruvian place called Casa Inka. The food was decent, but there was waaaay too much salt in their cooking. I know this because I woke up the next morning just about to burst because I was so swollen. Brian had the runs the night before and apparently Ruby had the runs the next day as well. Raf had some heartburn, so we were all suffering in some way because of the dinner.

Brian's grandpa is in the hospital, recovering from Jaw surgery. I guess some of his teeth rotted so badly that it started to eat away at his jaw. The surgery was successful and he is recovering well. We went to visit him in the hospital after we had dinner with Sheila and Ruby. It was a whole lot of driving...but all in all, worth it because we got to meet up with a lot of important people in our lives.

Today is Labor Day and we plan on doing absolutely nothing. The dogs have been walked and they are le pooped. I will probably watch some more Harry Potter or Julie and Julia and continue knitting.  

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