Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thought to thought to thought

I think we finally figured out why Rhys wasn't taking his bottle very well. Being born premature and coming home under 6 lbs made feeding a big task for us. He was coughing and choking and taking in way too much air when we first were using the newborn (size one) nipples. We quickly found some preemie nipples and noticed that he was eating his food with much more ease since the flow was more manageable. We later on went back to the newborn nipple, but until today, had never thought that the newborn nipple might now be too slow for him. We just thought that he was refusing the bottle because he wanted the boobs (which is still partly true). Brian came home with the size 2 nipples and he managed to take in most of the milk that we gave him! Lets hope this is good news and not just a fluke. I may just buy a size 3 nipple and see if that would make things better because I know for a FACT that my breasts flow much faster than any of those nipples.

Right now, Brian is walking about the house with the baby in the baby bjorn, giving me some time to write in my blog and enjoy a little free time. He is asking to hold the baby a little more often and seems to be bonding more with the baby these days. It's gotta be all the smiles and giggles that Rhys is throwing over to his daddy that is melting his heart for sure. I am very thankful that I have a hubby who is so handy around the house and is still willing to spend time with the baby without any complaint. I even was able to enjoy a few hours shopping at the mall this past Sunday. 

On another note, I think I may be a little crazy because I heard the news that Jessica Simpson is pregnant again and....I actually got a little envious. I don't know why, but I wanted another one when I found out she was pregnant. I think this is how women keep having children. They get envious about other women having babies and get pregnant too. I really do think this biological clock thing exists. I have baby fever! I guess you could say that if I could be a stay at home mom without any big financial worries for the long run, I would probably want to have another child not too far from now. But since I live in the real world, I will probably wait 2 years before having another. 

I guess I should try and enjoy at least one year of real normal people sleep before doing this all over again since I only sleep in 2-3 hour snippets every day. I've been doing this since Rhys was born. I don't know how the moms who work are able to stay up and do a whole day's work after 2-3 hour snippets of sleep. The only thing that keeps me sane during the day are the naps that I take when Rhys takes his 1 hour naps. 

Another thing that has kept me sane is my tablet and reading. I'm currently reading a book called Nurture Shock that talks about the importance of the "right" kind of praise to give to children and how the wrong type of praise can actually make children afraid of failure. If you tell a child that he is smart and continue to praise him so, he will become driven by this type of praise and choose not to try things that he may not be good at. So, if a child finds something difficult, instead of trying harder to improve, he will just give up and say that he isn't good at it and have a fear of failure. It's pretty interesting. They also talk about how it's not television, video games or even nutrition that is making kids obese, but in fact the amount of sleep that children get that is causing children to get fat. Well, I know I didn't get that much sleep when I was in highschool...I always stayed up for Conan..hehe.

Anyways, here is a video of Rhys and Mommy having giggle time together. 

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