Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Feeling like I can never get enough sleep. Come three....I am nodding off. But then again...I should be sleeping now instead of updating the world on my life...

Nothing much to update you on. Korea...I don't want to annoy anyone by always talking about it...but I do...I do want to live there...not for good...but for a little while, so I can get a taste of it.

For a while I was convinced that I didn't have to actually live in Korea to fill that empty feeling. But it's not all about that empty feeling. It's more about the lifestyle that I want to immerse myself in. Sigh...

I don't long to go back as much as I did right after I came back from Korea in late March, but I still have that longing. I need to fulfill that longing....or I'll just grow old...regretting. At least if I do go, I'll know. But this isn't the simplest decision to make. I would be leaving my friends, my family, my love.. for a whole year!


I could be clouding myself in a false adoration of Korea. I could hate it there. I may even get really homesick. Why? Why do I want to go so much? Is it really any different? Whenever I see a plane fly overhead on my drives home from work, I get that weird mushy homesick longing feeling. I think to myself..."I wonder if that plan is coming from Korea"

I look at the Korean Air ads on TV and get that longing feeling...I took United to Korea though...

These days, the only radio I listen to at work is korean radio. I'm basically listening to korean all day long. I'm listening to it as we speak!

The weekend was good. We had mother's day dinner at Macaroni Grill. Mom liked the pasta dishes. It was actually her first time at an Italian place. Carol and I decided we need to take her out more...LOVE YOU MOM!

Brian was here over the weekend so he could have dinner with his folks on Saturday night for Mother's Day. It was very nice having him here. My mom said that she liked his voice. ...hehe...I never notice, but I guess Brian has a nice voice. Very manly.

Brian and I had yummy Pat bing soo on Saturday, but the Kiwi was hard! bleh!

Saturday night after dinner with mom, I went to meet Sheila. It was nice to see her again. We went to Bin Bin Konjac. I'm so glad that I'll be hopefully seeing more of her in the near future!

Congrats Sheila!!!

That's it for now...

1 comment:

Jinni said...

Oh man.. maybe it was good idea not to go to Korea right before school starts. I would think about it nonstop.. hehe.. We should've gone to teach in Korea that one time. It would've been awesome.. Well, you could always go back every yr for like 2 weeks. hehe.. Or even better, you could come with me and Dolly and Helen in the winter if not in the autumn.. hehe..