Thursday, September 16, 2010

Doong-goo-leh, Doong-goo-leh

Studying at Carol's is very nice. I went over to her place last night for a sleep-over and now I am studying for my test tomorrow with yummy Doong-goo-leh tea with honey, prepared by none other than my wonderful seester. She made me yummy breakfast too. I always feel so pampered when I'm at her place. 
On the other hand, I haven't really seen my husband for the last two days. Well I did "see" him, but probably for 5 minutes as I briefly opened my eyes as he rattled his way into the room and in and out of the bathroom with his sonicare that was unusually loud that night. I woke up once again at his loud nose-blowing in the shower. Brian is so sweet though. He set his alarm early so he could wake up and see me off to school. So sweet he is. Unfortunately he set it too late so I was already gone. What is funny is that I actually gave him a kiss goodbye before I left! I asked him about it later online and he said he didn't remember. But sometimes I do wonder if he is really awake when I give him kisses goodbye. Each morning I leave for school, I reach over to give him a kiss and he puckers his lips to meet mine and mumbles a goodbye. Sometimes I think I may have trained some sort of automatic pucker reaction into him. 
Anywhoo...tonight will be another night of studying. Wait, what am I saying..? My whole life these days is nothing but studying. Sigh. I shall spend some quality time with my hubby this weekend. 

Oh, but all the reading!! sigh...

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