Tuesday, August 14, 2012

almost 32 weeks

I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant and I have discovered that I have stretch marks!!! I wasn't actually paying attention to them because they are on the lower portion of my abdomen. I can't see that part of my belly unless I tilt it up. But today, I took a mirror and looked...and there they were...tens of little red stretch marks on my belly!!! Nooooooooooooooo!! I read that women cry when they get their first stretch mark. I didn't cry, but I am sad. I still have 8 more weeks to go and I imagine that I am gonna get much bigger in the next few weeks. Sigh. I think I really need to work out more and eat less. I can't believe that I've gained 40 lbs. I think it all happened while I was working at Tri-City. I was working much different hours than I was used to and I was eating at 8 or 8:30 pm and going to bed at 10 pm. 2 months of that and I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that I gained all this weight. I gained about 30 lbs in less than 3 months!! What's worse is that I've been slathering my belly with honey butter religiously every since I was 4 months pregnant!! I guess my family genes win. My mom has stretch marks on her belly but didn't put any lotions on her belly for any of her pregnancies. I am just hoping that they don't get much worse than they are now. PLEEEEEASE!!! I am gonna gym it and eat healthier starting today!! >.<

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