Sunday, September 12, 2010

The reason I can't lose weight

The reason I can't lose weight is because I love food so much. You know how people can't decide what they want to eat and they end up wasting time trying to find a place to eat? Well you probably won't have a problem like that if you eat with me. I will always have a place in mind, or rather, a food in mind. 

Another reason I can't lose weight is because I don't have the willpower to eat nothing but chicken breasts day in and day out to get that perfect body. My mom always said to me that no matter how much I exercise, if I don't reduce my intake, it will be useless. My reply to her always was that I didn't plan on eating more, so the exercise would only help. The math works out!! 

Well, I have to say now that my mom was a sense. I renewed my membership at LA Fitness and started run/walking two days ago. Today, I did about 3 miles on the treadmill and came home, very hungry. I whipped up a pasta dish with garlic, tomatoes, onions, red bell peppers and olive oil. Sprinkled on some parmesan cheese and crushed red peppers, served myself up a plate and devoured it. It was delish! 

Unfortunately for me, I then served up a second plate for myself...sigh. I was wonderful! But now I have consumed two servings of dinner. I figure that had I not exercised, I probably wouldn't have had the second helping. I remember briefly thinking to myself, "Hey, you exercised, so it should be okay." 

NO! It's not okay!

I exercised, yes...but I ate more that I usually do for dinner! I am weak...sigh. Willpower...I need more of it. 

I am currently watching for about the 4th time, Julie and Julia. I have it playing as my background "music". I love it! Just love it! I probably will end up memorizing the lines just like I did with You've Got Mail.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the way i see it....when i am working out and it is extra hard, then i think too myself those damnn (fill in the fatty thing you ate)......oh.....why did i have to eat then maybe that will motivate you to cut a portions.

i must say working out 6 days or more a week does kick you in the gear to tone...... p90x is a good jump start. I did yoga today, even though it took an hour and a half....i felt better after.

good luck with the work out adventure....stinks how as we get old the our metabolism slows. boo!